How a Plumbing Company Finds the Location of Blocked Drains
If you have ever given much thought to how a plumbing company does its job, it may have occurred to you that finding a clog in a drain can be tough. After all, those pipes go deep and far. So how do they know the clog isn’t 100 feet down the tube? Fortunately, Balkan Sewer & Water Main Service has answered these and other questions on this subject.
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How Plumbers Find the Source of Clogged Sewers
- Look for the symptoms – The first thing to do is look for common signs of a clog. Toilets that fill up when the sink runs, the clogging of multiple fixtures, toilets that gurgle or don’t flush, and tubs that fill with wastewater are all initial signs of a sewer clog.
- Monitor the Lowest Fixture – Because the septic system is beneath your home, the fixture that is at the lowest elevation will be the one that backs up first and most. If you had a basement tub or shower, for example, this would be the first to back up with dark, brown sewer water.
- Monitor the Next Lowest Fixture – After the lowest fixture backs up, the next lowest fixture will back up after the first backs up. If that is the case, you almost certainly have a sewer clog.