Great Reasons to Use a Metal Septic Tank
Metal septic tanks have many advantages over similar septic tanks, and although you may not think about septic tanks often when one has a problem, they immediately pop up at the top of the ‘to-do list.’ When a septic tank, even a durable metal septic tank, has an issue, the first person to call is a plumber. It is essential to know how to locate a reputable plumber when they may be required at a moment’s notice.
Finding a Plumber
There are many ways to find a dependable plumber when your septic tank requires attention. Some of the best techniques for finding a reliable plumbing service are:
- Ask family and friends for plumber referrals –Explore your network of friends, family, and neighbors to find a plumber. If a name pops up often, being reputable is probably a safe bet.
- Check the Better Business Bureau –Check with the Better Business Bureau for any negative comments about a plumbing company you are considering. If they have negative comments, selecting another may be advisable.
- Check with realtors or insurance companies –A great source for discovering a reputable plumbing contractor is checking with your local realtors or insurance companies. They are usually in the know about a dependable plumbing contractor.
- Inquire of selected plumber license and insurance – Once you narrow down a plumbing company, make sure to inquire if plumbers are licensed and insured. If not, continue searching for a reputable plumbing service.
Hiring a Great Plumber
A working relationship with a great plumbing company can benefit homeowners because you may never know when one will be needed. But, if the occasion arises and you need to hire a plumber, these are some hiring tips on how to find a great plumber:
- Tip 1. – Consider plumbing contractors that back up their work with warranties on materials and professional services.
- Tip 2. – Ask a potential plumber for references to recent projects. You will naturally receive references from known fans of theirs, but it is still worth taking the time to check out. Potential questions to ask the references may be:
- What plumbing project did the company do for you?
- Would you hire the plumbing company again?
- Was the company communicative with you?
- Tip 3. – Check and confirm current licensing and insurance certificates for validity. A serious plumbing service working for longevity will have current licenses and insurance.
Qualities of a Good Plumber

Some plumber’s qualities help identify whether or not a prospective plumber will be a good candidate. Among the plumber traits that help identify a potentially good plumbing contractor include:
Respect for your home and time –Professional plumbers respect your home by tidying up the workspace at the end of the day. They wear protective footwear if walking across the carpet regularly and protect the home’s property. When quoting a job, they will be as specific as possible about the start date. If, for some reason, they are running late, they will call the homeowner and inform them of the delayed time in arriving on-site.
Clear Out your Septic Tank
At some point, a septic tank, even a metal septic tank, should be cleaned every three to five years. It is important to contact a plumbing contractor that uses the appropriate septic tank cleaners for your particular type of septic cleaner. This is the time to hire knowledgeable plumbers familiar with proper septic pumping procedures. If you are the more DIY type of person, it is possible to clear out your septic tank with these helpful tips:
- Tip 1. Add active dry yeast –Remain proactive on septic tank cleaning by adding a 1/4 packet of dry baking yeast. Flush the yeast monthly in the toilet nearest to the main septic line. Septic tanks are home to colonies of bacteria and enzymes that break down solid wastes to keep the septic system flowing efficiently. The yeast will activate enzymes and good bacteria to maintain production and ultimately delay calling the local septic pumping services.
- Tip 2. Substitute tomatoes –You could substitute tomatoes for yeast since they behave similarly to yeast in promoting healthy bacterial growth. However, if you decide to add tomatoes, these are a few things about tomatoes to keep in mind:
- Grind 3-4 ripe tomatoes once a month in the garbage disposal – Sending 3-4 ripe tomatoes down the garbage disposal every four months works much like yeast and keeps good bacteria breaking down solid waste
- Crush and flush the tomatoes – If you don’t have a garbage disposal, crush 3-4 tomatoes, place them in a biodegradable bag, and flush them down the toilet. This process will work the same as using a garbage disposal that grinds down the tomatoes, then sends them to the septic tank.
- Tip 3. Use vinegar to keep the septic line clear – To keep the septic line clear, a useful trick is adding vinegar and hot water to the septic lines. These are the steps suggested for maintaining a healthy septic tank:
- Every month, mix white distilled vinegar and scalding hot water of equal measures in a five-gallon jug.
- When you retire for the night, pour the contents of the five-gallon jug down the nearest toilet into the main septic line.
- First thing the next morning, flush the toilet to clear the main septic line of any remaining blockage. Get a Quick Fix to Your Septic Problem

- Various factors can cause problems with a septic tank, including leakage, clogged drains, or blockages in the drain pipe. If you ever have a similar problem that may require a quick septic repair, these are some quick fixes to try:
- Investigate around the septic tank looking for any leakage.
- Carefully examine the drain pipe for any blockage.
- Adjust the pH level by adding vinegar and baking soda to boost healthy bacteria in the septic tank, breaking down organic waste.
- Use Septicfix septic tank cleansing pills to add sodium carbonate and oxygen to assist in cleaning the tank. Solutions to Your Septic IssuesSeptic tank systems, such as metal septic tanks, are ruggedly built for long life. But, the most robust tanks can have issues at some time during their life span. Although regular septic tank pumping can significantly reduce septic problems, we often overlook this preventative service, and problems begin to appear. These are some of the most common issues discovered with septic tanks and some possible fixes or prevention .
- Clogged and backed-up lines –One of the most dreaded issues with septic tanks can easily be avoided with scheduled septic pumping. When the organic waste builds up, too much sludge in the septic tank affects the drain field and creates backed-up lines. Avoid this major headache by calling your trusted septic tank pumping company and having your tank scheduled to be pumped out.
- Excessive water dumped into septic tanks –Septic tanks are designed with a high capacity for holding liquids. However, they can be overloaded with simultaneous washing machines, dishwashers, and inefficient shower heads, all running and draining simultaneously. A septic tank has to have time to distribute liquid to the drain field, but when inundated with water, it can become backed up. Plan heavy water usage, and consequent draining, on schedules to not overload the carrying capacity of metal septic tanks or any other type of tank.
- Preventing evasive tree roots –Tree roots are naturally drawn to septic tanks due to the rich nutrients and available moisture. The best solution is employing effective prevention measures such as being mindful of any potential trees and future root problems when selecting the septic tank location.. Septic tank or line leakage –Grass may not always be greener on the other side, especially if the other side is a septic tank. Green patches of grass around septic tanks usually point to a leaking tank or drain field lines. Either the septic tank may leak, the lateral drain lines are receiving too much liquid and over-saturating the yard, or raw sewage is leaking. At the first indicator of any of these symptoms, immediately call septic pumping businesses to have the issues addressed 11. Too much detergent or chemical use –Excessive amounts of detergent introduced into a septic tank can cause property owners serious headaches and problems. Especially when washing with phosphate-rich powdered detergents that encourage algae growth in drain pipes. Excessive amounts of detergents and chemicals like solvents, pesticides, or paint thinners affect drain efficiency and can also kill the friendly bacteria necessary for a septic tank.
Get Help With Your Septic Tank

Typically, when a metal septic tank, or any other type of septic tank, has serious issues, it is best to call the professionals and have it checked out. Very often, the majority of septic problems can be addressed by contacting your local septic pumping services company and having the tank checked for pumping it out.
The typical cost for pumping out a metal septic tank of average size is around $200-$300; for larger 2,000-gallon tanks, the price could be $600-$700. However, considering the average repair cost for a septic tank is $1,700, calling a septic pumping business is a good idea.
Update your Septic Tank
With regularly scheduled pumping out and maintenance, metal septic tanks and other tank types can expect a 15-20 year life. Your septic tank is reaching its usefulness, and it is time to consider updating it. Some options are available that are worth considering:
Restore or replace a septic tank drain field –The cost to replace a metal septic tank drain field may not be the best investment when there may be other attractive choices. Depending on the life of the drain field, it may be more beneficial to update your septic tanks by restoring the septic tank drain field.Contacting local septic pumping businesses may be beneficial to have their professional input or recommendations for the drain field. Some considerations for restoring or replacing drain fields are the age of the existing field and whether or not to replace both the septic tank and the drain field. Replacing a septic drain field costs between $ 3,000- $15,000, and restoration of a drain field is $1,000-$5,000.
Convert an anaerobic septic system to an aerobic system –Updating an anaerobic septic system, or one that does not use oxygen in the process of breaking down sewage, to an aerobic septic system that uses oxygen in the sewage break down. An aerobic system is a more efficient process since the bacteria use oxygen in what is known as aerobic digestion. Another benefit of an aerobic septic system is requiring a much smaller drain field, which can be beneficial if space becomes an issue.
Find a New Septic Tank
When its time to purchase a new metal septic tank, there are several common ways to purchase them, including:
- Direct from a manufacturer or retailer through their website, such as Greer metal septic tanks.
- Contact local septic pumping services for a customized quote based on specific sizes or desired tank types.
Expect to spend between $3,469 to $11,314 on a new septic tank, with an average of $7,242 for a large septic tank.
Update Your Septic System

Upgrading your septic system is a significant undertaking and best left to professionals in the septic industry. These are suggested steps in updating a septic system.
- Step 1. – Contact professionals at a septic tank pumping company for their expertise in updating septic systems.
- Step 2. –Determine the type of update required and what your expectations and goals are for the upgrade.
- Step 3. –Obtain all necessary permits required by your local municipalities and furnish to your contractor all necessary documentation such as soil analysis and sire plans.
- Step 4. –Begin installation of the updated system by your septic contractor. This installation process will require removing any old components to be replaced, installing new updates to the septic system, then testing for installation integrity.
- Step 5. –Begin following the maintenance schedule outlined by your septic contractor, including a regular septic pumping schedule.